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1949 Packard Deluxe Eight Antique in Rindge, NH in Rindge, New Hampshire For Sale

1949 Packard Deluxe Eight Antique in Rindge, NH
Price: $10,500
Date/Time:08 Mar, 07:09 a.m. EST
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.

xxxx Packard Deluxe Eight This antique classic currently has 64,000 miles and it is still in good condition Exterior color is green with chrome bumpers and with a beige cloth interior The entire body of this classic is extremely solid The motor and all the components are original and in great shape The motor was just tuned up and runs great Minor signs of wear on the tops of the seat corners I hold clear and transferable title This is a must see antique and everything within works wel

State: New Hampshire  City: Rindge  Zip code: 03461 Category: Cars
Cars in New Hampshire for sale

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